With little, we can do much

free donation

You choose which amount to allocate and the method you prefer:

  • Cheque: pay it to Fondazione Bizzi – Granata

  • Bank transfer: on Intesa San Paolo bank account for the Bizzi – Granata Foundation
    indicate in the reason for the transfer:
    name, surname, address and house number, zip code, city, e-mail.

    IBAN IT59B0306909606100000192381


Leave a trace in the future: let your passion for music continue to live with a bequest
to the Bizzi Foundation - Granata.

There are two types of wills that can be drawn up, the public one and the holographic one.
The first is drawn up by the notary (who will keep it) in the presence of the person making the will and two witnesses. The second is handwritten directly by the person making the will; must not have any erasures or corrections and must be dated and signed; it is advisable to file a copy with a trusted notary.

donation of historical musical instruments

We invite you to contact the Bizzi – Granata Foundation by sending an email with a detailed description and photos to: info@fondazionebizzigranata.org

Saremo felici di prendere in considerazione la tua offerta, compatibilmente con la disponibilità di fondi per il suo restauro e conservazione e con la disponibilità di spazi in cui accogliere lo/gli strumento/i.
In ogni caso valuteremo con te ogni possibilità e soluzione.

support us

Foundation’s Friends: participation fee starting from €50 up per year.
Active Members: participation fee starting from € 100 up per year.
Honorary Members: participation fee starting from € 500 up per year.

IBAN IT59B0306909606100000192381

We allocate the donations collected during our concerts exclusively for humanitarian purposes.

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