Associates are the very life of the Foundation


The foundation has been established only in July 2022 but we are proud to see already the participation of some important institutions. Among them, the “Stati Generali del Patrimonio Italiano” whose president, Prof. Ivan Drogo Inglese is also the president of our Scientific Committee.
Moreover, we have established an official cooperation with the Royal Conservatory of Brussels whose Director Jan D’haene is also member of the committee, together with other directors and highly qualified professors.


We are exploring a possible cooperatiion with a limited number of institutes or companies offering them the role of main partners and designing with them a range of long term promotional and marketing campaigns.


Foundation’s Friends: participation fee starting from €50 up per year.
Active Members: participation fee starting from € 100 up per year.
Honorary Members: participation fee starting from € 500 up per year.

If you wish to join, please use this IBAN: IT59B0306909606100000192381

Donate at our concerts

We allocate the donations collected during our concerts exclusively exclusively for humanitarian purposes.

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