The beginning, 1961

The start of everything - 1961

in 1961, Guido Bizzi, student at the Polytechnic School of Torino, establishes together with Mauro Uberti the Camerata Polifonica di Torino, five singers “a cappella”, one of them being Maria Granata.
As a memory of that interesting artistic season, we have been so fortunate to discover one only recorded magnetic band, February 28th 1968, which important critics have recognized as being of high musical significance.
Around the same time, Guido and Maria were also working at the study of historical Piedmontese songs, starting with the important research carried out by Leone Sinigaglia.
Some of these songs have been recorded in a LP by the historical label Fonit-Cetra and are now available in this link: I Cantastorie. During the following years, in Milano, Guido establishes a new ensemble called the Studio di Musica Antica while Maria continues to carry out studies, research and performances with a vast repertoire of cultured traditional music. Together with her new singing partner G. Sportelli, Maria brings the Piedmontese songs around Europe and even in front of an enthousiastic audience at the Carthage Theater. Maria is also a great example of “ musical fidelity”, having been a singer in the same Torinese “Coro Musica Laus” since 1970.
These important musical experiences are the background upon which Guido has developed several initiatives along his industrial working life in the field of steel wire drawing machinery, adding a bit of entrepreneurial vision to his work.
Among them, in 1995 he has founded BIZZI HIST. INSTRUMENTS, world’s leader in harpsichord making and ACCADEMIA which has inspired his most recent musical projects.
By amazing coincidence and fortune, after 48 years, Guido and Maria have met again and have decided to devote resources and energies to new musical projects, especially for helping young artists at the beginning of their careers.
In fact, in July 2022 they have created the “Fondazione Bizzi-Granata”.