
The Musical Project

The musical activities of the Foundation are being developed into different directions:
the first one is a musical project based on the creation of concert tours called “Viaggio in Italia”, where young artists ensembles perform in several important Italian cities.
After “Viaggio in Italia”, in 2023 we will re-start with our programs of advanced musical training through a cooperation carried out with music institutes like the Royal Conservatory of Brussels, the Salisbury Mozarteum, the Conservatory of Vicenza and others.
The funding element of our work remains the support to Conservatory students or alumni at the beginning of their careers, together with the study and use of historical instruments belonging to the Bizzi collection and hosted at Villa Bossi.

Concerto con Strumenti a Tastiera Storici

Forte piano CONRAD GRAF
Lavori di restauro nel laboratorio di Edwin Beunk in Olanda: Lorenzo Bizzi, Edwin e Jon

The Restoration Project

The Bizzi collection contains about 30 important examples of historical keyboard instruments. The last one that has been acquired is the fortepiano Conrad Graf, No. 1777, certainly one of the most important existing instruments of this type, now being restored within the frame of a stable cooperation with one of the greatest experts in this area, Edwin Beunk.
Hereunder, another interesting fortepiano example: a 1824 Boehm with seven pedals.

Fortepiano JOSEPH BOEHM, 1824

The Social Project

At Villa Bossi, we have been carrying out for many years several initiatives in favor of young musicians through our ACCADEMIA, which was established in 2009.
As already written above, these experiences have enabled us to develop “Viaggio in Italia” with the participation of important European Conservatories about the idea to offer talented young artists the possibilities of performing through some major Italian cities.
However, in order to develop these plans we need more space for the master classes and training courses and also for the artists accomodation. For this purpose, the Foundation Bizzi-Granata has decided to make another important investment by purchasing and restoring an old building just located a few steps from Villa Bossi.
The new seat contains spaces for historical keyboard instruments, harpsichord, fortepianos and romantic pianos but also string instruments, violins, violas and cellos both of the classical and Baroque type.

Villa Bossi: view from the South side of the park

A drawing of the restructuring project of the new seat of the foundation.